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นี้ code

extern int magic = 92016;
// Configuration
extern string = "Fisher M11 EA v1.3";
extern string CommonSettings = "---------------------------------------------";
extern int user_slippage = 2;
extern int user_tp = 50;
extern int user_sl = 50;
extern int use_tp_sl = 1;
extern double profit_lock = 0.90;
extern string MoneyManagementSettings = "---------------------------------------------";
// Money Management
extern int money_management = 1;
extern double min_lots = 0.1;
extern int risk=5;
extern int progression = 0; // 0=none | 1:ascending | 2:martingale
// Indicator
extern string IndicatorSettings = "---------------------------------------------";
extern int RangePeriods=30; // Optimization
extern double PriceSmoothing=0.3; // Optimization
extern double IndexSmoothing=0.3; // Optimization
extern int shift = 1;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
string key = "Fisher M11 EA v1.3";
// Definimos 1 variable para guardar los tickets
int order_tickets;
// Definimos 1 variable para guardar los lotes
double order_lots;
// Definimos 1 variable para guardar las valores de apertura de las ordenes
double order_price;
// Definimos 1 variable para guardar los beneficios
double order_profit;
// Definimos 1 variable para guardar los tiempos
int order_time;
// indicadores
double signal=0;
// Cantidad de ordenes;
int orders = 0;
int direction= 0;
double max_profit=0, close_profit=0;
double last_order_profit=0, last_order_lots=0;
// Colores
color c=Black;
// Cuenta
double balance, equity;
int slippage=0;
// OrderReliable
int retry_attempts = 10;
double sleep_time = 4.0;
double sleep_maximum   = 25.0;  // in seconds
string OrderReliable_Fname = "OrderReliable fname unset";
static int _OR_err = 0;
string OrderReliableVersion = "V1_1_1";

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int start()

  double point = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT);
  double dd=0;
  int ticket, i, n;
  double price;
  bool cerrada, encontrada;
  if (MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS)==4)
    slippage = user_slippage;
  else if (MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS)==5)
    slippage = 10*user_slippage;
  if(IsTradeAllowed() == false)
    Comment("Copyright © 2011,\nTrade not allowed.");
  if (use_tp_sl==0)
    Comment(StringConcatenate("\nCopyright © 2011,\nFisher M11 EA v1.3 is running.\nNext order lots: ",CalcularVolumen()));
  else if (use_tp_sl==1) 
    Comment(StringConcatenate("\nCopyright © 2011,\nFisher M11 EA v1.3 is running.\nNext order lots: ",CalcularVolumen(),"\nTake profit ($): ",CalcularVolumen()*10*user_tp,"\nStop loss ($): ",CalcularVolumen()*10*user_sl));
  // Actualizamos el estado actual
  if (OrdersHistoryTotal()>0)
    while (i<=10 && encontrada==FALSE)
      n = OrdersHistoryTotal()-i;
        if (OrderMagicNumber()==magic)
  point = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InicializarVariables()
  // Reseteamos contadores de ordenes de compa y venta
  order_tickets = 0;
  order_lots = 0;
  order_price = 0;
  order_time = 0;
  order_profit = 0;
  last_order_profit = 0;
  last_order_lots = 0;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ActualizarOrdenes()
  int ordenes=0;
  // Lo que hacemos es introducir los tickets, los lotes, y los valores de apertura en las matrices.
  // Además guardaremos el número de ordenes en una variables.
  // Ordenes de compra
  for(int i=0; i<OrdersTotal(); i++)
    if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES) == true)
      if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == magic)
        order_tickets = OrderTicket();
        order_lots = OrderLots();
        order_price = OrderOpenPrice();
        order_time = OrderOpenTime();
        order_profit = OrderProfit();
        if (OrderType()==OP_BUY) direction=1;
        if (OrderType()==OP_SELL) direction=2;
  // Actualizamos variables globales
  orders = ordenes;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Escribe(string nombre, string s, int x, int y, string font, int size, color c)
  if (ObjectFind(nombre)!=-1)
    ObjectSet(nombre,OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x);
    ObjectSet(nombre,OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
double CalcularVolumen()
  double aux;
  int n;
  if (money_management==0)
    if (progression==0)
      aux = risk*AccountFreeMargin();
      aux= aux/100000;
      n = MathFloor(aux/min_lots);
      aux = n*min_lots;                   
    if (progression==1)
      if (last_order_profit<0)
        aux = last_order_lots+min_lots;
        aux = last_order_lots-min_lots;
    if (progression==2)
      if (last_order_profit<0)
        aux = last_order_lots*2;
         aux = risk*AccountFreeMargin();
         aux= aux/100000;
         n = MathFloor(aux/min_lots);
         aux = n*min_lots;         
    if (aux<min_lots)
    if (aux>MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT))
    if (aux<MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT))

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
double CalculaValorPip(double lotes)
   double aux_mm_valor=0;
   double aux_mm_tick_value = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE);
   double aux_mm_tick_size = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKSIZE);
   int aux_mm_digits = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS);   
   double aux_mm_veces_lots = 1/lotes;
   if (aux_mm_digits==5)
   else if (aux_mm_digits==4)
     aux_mm_valor = aux_mm_tick_value;
   if (aux_mm_digits==3)
   else if (aux_mm_digits==2)
     aux_mm_valor = aux_mm_tick_value;
   aux_mm_valor = aux_mm_valor/aux_mm_veces_lots;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CalculaTakeProfit()
  int aux_take_profit;     


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CalculaStopLoss()
  int aux_stop_loss;     

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

int CalculaSignal(int aux_range, double aux_price, double aux_index, int aux_shift)
  int aux=0;   
  double f1=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Fisher M11",aux_range,aux_price,aux_index,0,aux_shift);
  double f2=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Fisher M11",aux_range,aux_price,aux_index,0,aux_shift+1);

  // Valores de retorno
  // 1. Compra
  // 2. Compra Señal
  // 3. Venta
  // 4. Venta Señal
  if (f1>0 && f2<0) aux=1;
  if (f1<0 && f2>0) aux=2;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Robot()
  int ticket=-1, i;
  bool cerrada=FALSE; 
  if (orders==0 && direction==0)
    signal = CalculaSignal(RangePeriods,PriceSmoothing,IndexSmoothing,shift);
    // ----------
    // COMPRA
    // ----------
    if (signal==1)
      ticket = OrderSendReliable(Symbol(),OP_BUY,CalcularVolumen(),MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK),slippage,0,0,key,magic,0,Blue);
    // En este punto hemos ejecutado correctamente la orden de compra
    // Los arrays se actualizarán en la siguiente ejecución de start() con ActualizarOrdenes()
    // ----------
    // VENTA
    // ----------
    if (signal==2)
      ticket = OrderSendReliable(Symbol(),OP_SELL,CalcularVolumen(),MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID),slippage,0,0,key,magic,0,Red);         
    // En este punto hemos ejecutado correctamente la orden de venta
    // Los arrays se actualizarán en la siguiente ejecución de start() con ActualizarOrdenes()       
  // **************************************************
  // **************************************************
  if (orders>0 && direction==1 && use_tp_sl==1)
    // CASO 1.1 >>> Tenemos el beneficio y  activamos el profit lock
    if (order_profit > CalculaTakeProfit() && max_profit==0)
      max_profit = order_profit;
      close_profit = profit_lock*order_profit;     
    // CASO 1.2 >>> Segun va aumentando el beneficio actualizamos el profit lock
    if (max_profit>0)
      if (order_profit>max_profit)
        max_profit = order_profit;
        close_profit = profit_lock*order_profit;
    // CASO 1.3 >>> Cuando el beneficio caiga por debajo de profit lock cerramos las ordenes
    if (max_profit>0 && close_profit>0 && max_profit>close_profit && order_profit<close_profit)
    // CASO 2 >>> Tenemos "size" pips de perdida
    if (order_profit <= CalculaStopLoss())
  // **************************************************
  // **************************************************
  if (orders>0 && direction==2 && use_tp_sl==1)
    // CASO 1.1 >>> Tenemos el beneficio y  activamos el profit lock
    if (order_profit > CalculaTakeProfit() && max_profit==0)
      max_profit = order_profit;
      close_profit = profit_lock*order_profit;     
    // CASO 1.2 >>> Segun va aumentando el beneficio actualizamos el profit lock
    if (max_profit>0)
      if (order_profit>max_profit)
        max_profit = order_profit;
        close_profit = profit_lock*order_profit;
    // CASO 1.3 >>> Cuando el beneficio caiga por debajo de profit lock cerramos las ordenes
    if (max_profit>0 && close_profit>0 && max_profit>close_profit && order_profit<close_profit)
    // CASO 2 >>> Tenemos "size" pips de perdida
    if (order_profit <= CalculaStopLoss())
  // **************************************************
  // **************************************************
  if (orders>0 && direction==1 && use_tp_sl==0)
    signal = CalculaSignal(RangePeriods,PriceSmoothing,IndexSmoothing,shift);
    if (signal==2)
  // **************************************************
  // **************************************************
  if (orders>0 && direction==2 && use_tp_sl==0)
    signal = CalculaSignal(RangePeriods,PriceSmoothing,IndexSmoothing,shift);
    if (signal==1)

//                      OrderSendReliable()
//   This is intended to be a drop-in replacement for OrderSend() which,
//   one hopes, is more resistant to various forms of errors prevalent
//   with MetaTrader.
//   Ticket number or -1 under some error conditions.  Check
// final error returned by Metatrader with OrderReliableLastErr().
// This will reset the value from GetLastError(), so in that sense it cannot
// be a total drop-in replacement due to Metatrader flaw.
//       * Re-trying under some error conditions, sleeping a random
//         time defined by an exponential probability distribution.
//       * Automatic normalization of Digits
//       * Automatically makes sure that stop levels are more than
//         the minimum stop distance, as given by the server. If they
//         are too close, they are adjusted.
//       * Automatically converts stop orders to market orders
//         when the stop orders are rejected by the server for
//         being to close to market.  NOTE: This intentionally
//       applies only to OP_BUYSTOP and OP_SELLSTOP,
//       OP_BUYLIMIT and OP_SELLLIMIT are not converted to market
//       orders and so for prices which are too close to current
//       this function is likely to loop a few times and return
//       with the "invalid stops" error message.
//       Note, the commentary in previous versions erroneously said
//       that limit orders would be converted.  Note also
//       that entering a BUYSTOP or SELLSTOP new order is distinct
//       from setting a stoploss on an outstanding order; use
//       OrderModifyReliable() for that.
//       * Displays various error messages on the log for debugging.
//   Matt Kennel, 2006-05-28 and following
int OrderSendReliable(string symbol, int cmd, double volume, double price,
                 int slippage, double stoploss, double takeprofit,
                 string comment, int magic, datetime expiration = 0,
                 color arrow_color = CLR_NONE)

   // ------------------------------------------------
   // Check basic conditions see if trade is possible.
   // ------------------------------------------------
   OrderReliable_Fname = "OrderSendReliable";
   OrderReliablePrint(" attempted " + OrderReliable_CommandString(cmd) + " " + volume +
                  " lots @" + price + " sl:" + stoploss + " tp:" + takeprofit);
   //if (!IsConnected())
   //   OrderReliablePrint("error: IsConnected() == false");
   //   _OR_err = ERR_NO_CONNECTION;
   //   return(-1);
   if (IsStopped())
      OrderReliablePrint("error: IsStopped() == true");
      _OR_err = ERR_COMMON_ERROR;
   int cnt = 0;
   while(!IsTradeAllowed() && cnt < retry_attempts)
      OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(sleep_time, sleep_maximum);
   if (!IsTradeAllowed())
      OrderReliablePrint("error: no operation possible because IsTradeAllowed()==false, even after retries.");


   // Normalize all price / stoploss / takeprofit to the proper # of digits.
   int digits = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_DIGITS);
   if (digits > 0)
      price = NormalizeDouble(price, digits);
      stoploss = NormalizeDouble(stoploss, digits);
      takeprofit = NormalizeDouble(takeprofit, digits);
   if (stoploss != 0)
      OrderReliable_EnsureValidStop(symbol, price, stoploss);

   int err = GetLastError(); // clear the global variable. 
   err = 0;
   _OR_err = 0;
   bool exit_loop = false;
   bool limit_to_market = false;
   // limit/stop order.
   int ticket=-1;

   if ((cmd == OP_BUYSTOP) || (cmd == OP_SELLSTOP) || (cmd == OP_BUYLIMIT) || (cmd == OP_SELLLIMIT))
      cnt = 0;
      while (!exit_loop)
         if (IsTradeAllowed())
            ticket = OrderSend(symbol, cmd, volume, price, slippage, stoploss,
                           takeprofit, comment, magic, expiration, arrow_color);
            err = GetLastError();
            _OR_err = err;
         switch (err)
            case ERR_NO_ERROR:
               exit_loop = true;
            // retryable errors
            case ERR_SERVER_BUSY:
            case ERR_NO_CONNECTION:
            case ERR_INVALID_PRICE:
            case ERR_OFF_QUOTES:
            case ERR_BROKER_BUSY:
            case ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY:
            case ERR_PRICE_CHANGED:
            case ERR_REQUOTE:
               continue;   // we can apparently retry immediately according to MT docs.
            case ERR_INVALID_STOPS:
               double servers_min_stop = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_STOPLEVEL) * MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_POINT);
               if (cmd == OP_BUYSTOP)
                  // If we are too close to put in a limit/stop order so go to market.
                  if (MathAbs(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_ASK) - price) <= servers_min_stop)   
                     limit_to_market = true;
               else if (cmd == OP_SELLSTOP)
                  // If we are too close to put in a limit/stop order so go to market.
                  if (MathAbs(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID) - price) <= servers_min_stop)
                     limit_to_market = true;
               exit_loop = true;
               // an apparently serious error.
               exit_loop = true;
         }  // end switch

         if (cnt > retry_attempts)
            exit_loop = true;
         if (exit_loop)
            if (err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
               OrderReliablePrint("non-retryable error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err));
            if (cnt > retry_attempts)
               OrderReliablePrint("retry attempts maxed at " + retry_attempts);
         if (!exit_loop)
            OrderReliablePrint("retryable error (" + cnt + "/" + retry_attempts +
                           "): " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err));
            OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(sleep_time, sleep_maximum);
      // We have now exited from loop.
      if (err == ERR_NO_ERROR)
         OrderReliablePrint("apparently successful OP_BUYSTOP or OP_SELLSTOP order placed, details follow.");
         OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES);
         return(ticket); // SUCCESS!
      if (!limit_to_market)
         OrderReliablePrint("failed to execute stop or limit order after " + cnt + " retries");
         OrderReliablePrint("failed trade: " + OrderReliable_CommandString(cmd) + " " + symbol +
                        "@" + price + " tp@" + takeprofit + " sl@" + stoploss);
         OrderReliablePrint("last error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err));
   }  // end    
   if (limit_to_market)
      OrderReliablePrint("going from limit order to market order because market is too close.");
      if ((cmd == OP_BUYSTOP) || (cmd == OP_BUYLIMIT))
         cmd = OP_BUY;
         price = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_ASK);
      else if ((cmd == OP_SELLSTOP) || (cmd == OP_SELLLIMIT))
         cmd = OP_SELL;
         price = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID);
   // we now have a market order.
   err = GetLastError(); // so we clear the global variable. 
   err = 0;
   _OR_err = 0;
   ticket = -1;

   if ((cmd == OP_BUY) || (cmd == OP_SELL))
      cnt = 0;
      while (!exit_loop)
         if (IsTradeAllowed())
            ticket = OrderSend(symbol, cmd, volume, price, slippage,
                           stoploss, takeprofit, comment, magic,
                           expiration, arrow_color);
            err = GetLastError();
            _OR_err = err;
         switch (err)
            case ERR_NO_ERROR:
               exit_loop = true;
            case ERR_SERVER_BUSY:
            case ERR_NO_CONNECTION:
            case ERR_INVALID_PRICE:
            case ERR_OFF_QUOTES:
            case ERR_BROKER_BUSY:
            case ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY:
               cnt++; // a retryable error
            case ERR_PRICE_CHANGED:
            case ERR_REQUOTE:
               continue; // we can apparently retry immediately according to MT docs.
               // an apparently serious, unretryable error.
               exit_loop = true;
         }  // end switch

         if (cnt > retry_attempts)
             exit_loop = true;
         if (!exit_loop)
            OrderReliablePrint("retryable error (" + cnt + "/" +
                           retry_attempts + "): " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err));
         if (exit_loop)
            if (err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
               OrderReliablePrint("non-retryable error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err));
            if (cnt > retry_attempts)
               OrderReliablePrint("retry attempts maxed at " + retry_attempts);
      // we have now exited from loop.
      if (err == ERR_NO_ERROR)
         OrderReliablePrint("apparently successful OP_BUY or OP_SELL order placed, details follow.");
         OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES);
         return(ticket); // SUCCESS!
      OrderReliablePrint("failed to execute OP_BUY/OP_SELL, after " + cnt + " retries");
      OrderReliablePrint("failed trade: " + OrderReliable_CommandString(cmd) + " " + symbol +
                     "@" + price + " tp@" + takeprofit + " sl@" + stoploss);
      OrderReliablePrint("last error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err));
//                      OrderSendReliableMKT()
//   This is intended to be an alternative for OrderSendReliable() which
// will update market-orders in the retry loop with the current Bid or Ask.
// Hence with market orders there is a greater likelihood that the trade will
// be executed versus OrderSendReliable(), and a greater likelihood it will
// be executed at a price worse than the entry price due to price movement.
//   Ticket number or -1 under some error conditions.  Check
// final error returned by Metatrader with OrderReliableLastErr().
// This will reset the value from GetLastError(), so in that sense it cannot
// be a total drop-in replacement due to Metatrader flaw.
//     * Most features of OrderSendReliable() but for market orders only.
//       Command must be OP_BUY or OP_SELL, and specify Bid or Ask at
//       the time of the call.
//     * If price moves in an unfavorable direction during the loop,
//       e.g. from requotes, then the slippage variable it uses in
//       the real attempt to the server will be decremented from the passed
//       value by that amount, down to a minimum of zero.   If the current
//       price is too far from the entry value minus slippage then it
//       will not attempt an order, and it will signal, manually,
//       an ERR_INVALID_PRICE (displayed to log as usual) and will continue
//       to loop the usual number of times.
//       * Displays various error messages on the log for debugging.
//   Matt Kennel, 2006-08-16
int OrderSendReliableMKT(string symbol, int cmd, double volume, double price,
                 int slippage, double stoploss, double takeprofit,
                 string comment, int magic, datetime expiration = 0,
                 color arrow_color = CLR_NONE)

   // ------------------------------------------------
   // Check basic conditions see if trade is possible.
   // ------------------------------------------------
   OrderReliable_Fname = "OrderSendReliableMKT";
   OrderReliablePrint(" attempted " + OrderReliable_CommandString(cmd) + " " + volume +
                  " lots @" + price + " sl:" + stoploss + " tp:" + takeprofit);

   if ((cmd != OP_BUY) && (cmd != OP_SELL)) {
      OrderReliablePrint("Improper non market-order command passed.  Nothing done.");

   //if (!IsConnected())
   //   OrderReliablePrint("error: IsConnected() == false");
   //   _OR_err = ERR_NO_CONNECTION;
   //   return(-1);
   if (IsStopped())
      OrderReliablePrint("error: IsStopped() == true");
      _OR_err = ERR_COMMON_ERROR;
   int cnt = 0;
   while(!IsTradeAllowed() && cnt < retry_attempts)
      OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(sleep_time, sleep_maximum);
   if (!IsTradeAllowed())
      OrderReliablePrint("error: no operation possible because IsTradeAllowed()==false, even after retries.");


   // Normalize all price / stoploss / takeprofit to the proper # of digits.
   int digits = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_DIGITS);
   if (digits > 0)
      price = NormalizeDouble(price, digits);
      stoploss = NormalizeDouble(stoploss, digits);
      takeprofit = NormalizeDouble(takeprofit, digits);
   if (stoploss != 0)
      OrderReliable_EnsureValidStop(symbol, price, stoploss);

   int err = GetLastError(); // clear the global variable. 
   err = 0;
   _OR_err = 0;
   bool exit_loop = false;
   // limit/stop order.
   int ticket=-1;

   // we now have a market order.
   err = GetLastError(); // so we clear the global variable. 
   err = 0;
   _OR_err = 0;
   ticket = -1;

   if ((cmd == OP_BUY) || (cmd == OP_SELL))
      cnt = 0;
      while (!exit_loop)
         if (IsTradeAllowed())
            double pnow = price;
            int slippagenow = slippage;
            if (cmd == OP_BUY) {
               // modification by Paul Hampton-Smith to replace RefreshRates()
               pnow = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_ASK),MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_DIGITS)); // we are buying at Ask
               if (pnow > price) {
                  slippagenow = slippage - (pnow-price)/MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_POINT);
            } else if (cmd == OP_SELL) {
               // modification by Paul Hampton-Smith to replace RefreshRates()
               pnow = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID),MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_DIGITS)); // we are buying at Ask
               if (pnow < price) {
                  // moved in an unfavorable direction
                  slippagenow = slippage - (price-pnow)/MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_POINT);
            if (slippagenow > slippage) slippagenow = slippage;
            if (slippagenow >= 0) {
               ticket = OrderSend(symbol, cmd, volume, pnow, slippagenow,
                           stoploss, takeprofit, comment, magic,
                           expiration, arrow_color);
               err = GetLastError();
               _OR_err = err;
           } else {
               // too far away, manually signal ERR_INVALID_PRICE, which
               // will result in a sleep and a retry.
               err = ERR_INVALID_PRICE;
               _OR_err = err;
         switch (err)
            case ERR_NO_ERROR:
               exit_loop = true;
            case ERR_SERVER_BUSY:
            case ERR_NO_CONNECTION:
            case ERR_INVALID_PRICE:
            case ERR_OFF_QUOTES:
            case ERR_BROKER_BUSY:
            case ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY:
               cnt++; // a retryable error
            case ERR_PRICE_CHANGED:
            case ERR_REQUOTE:
               // Paul Hampton-Smith removed RefreshRates() here and used MarketInfo() above instead
               continue; // we can apparently retry immediately according to MT docs.
               // an apparently serious, unretryable error.
               exit_loop = true;
         }  // end switch

         if (cnt > retry_attempts)
             exit_loop = true;
         if (!exit_loop)
            OrderReliablePrint("retryable error (" + cnt + "/" +
                           retry_attempts + "): " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err));
         if (exit_loop)
            if (err != ERR_NO_ERROR)
               OrderReliablePrint("non-retryable error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err));
            if (cnt > retry_attempts)
               OrderReliablePrint("retry attempts maxed at " + retry_attempts);
      // we have now exited from loop.
      if (err == ERR_NO_ERROR)
         OrderReliablePrint("apparently successful OP_BUY or OP_SELL order placed, details follow.");
         OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES);
         return(ticket); // SUCCESS!
      OrderReliablePrint("failed to execute OP_BUY/OP_SELL, after " + cnt + " retries");
      OrderReliablePrint("failed trade: " + OrderReliable_CommandString(cmd) + " " + symbol +
                     "@" + price + " tp@" + takeprofit + " sl@" + stoploss);
      OrderReliablePrint("last error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err));
//                      OrderModifyReliable()
//   This is intended to be a drop-in replacement for OrderModify() which,
//   one hopes, is more resistant to various forms of errors prevalent
//   with MetaTrader.
//      TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
//       * Re-trying under some error conditions, sleeping a random
//         time defined by an exponential probability distribution.
//       * Displays various error messages on the log for debugging.
//   Matt Kennel,    2006-05-28
bool OrderModifyReliable(int ticket, double price, double stoploss,
                   double takeprofit, datetime expiration,
                   color arrow_color = CLR_NONE)
   OrderReliable_Fname = "OrderModifyReliable";

   OrderReliablePrint(" attempted modify of #" + ticket + " price:" + price +
                  " sl:" + stoploss + " tp:" + takeprofit);

   //if (!IsConnected())
   //   OrderReliablePrint("error: IsConnected() == false");
   //   _OR_err = ERR_NO_CONNECTION;
   //   return(false);
   if (IsStopped())
      OrderReliablePrint("error: IsStopped() == true");
   int cnt = 0;
   while(!IsTradeAllowed() && cnt < retry_attempts)
   if (!IsTradeAllowed())
      OrderReliablePrint("error: no operation possible because IsTradeAllowed()==false, even after retries.");

   if (false) {
       // This section is 'nulled out', because
       // it would have to involve an 'OrderSelect()' to obtain
       // the symbol string, and that would change the global context of the
       // existing OrderSelect, and hence would not be a drop-in replacement
       // for OrderModify().
       // See OrderModifyReliableSymbol() where the user passes in the Symbol
       // manually.
       string symbol = OrderSymbol();
       int digits = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_DIGITS);
       if (digits > 0) {
          price = NormalizeDouble(price,digits);
          stoploss = NormalizeDouble(stoploss,digits);
          takeprofit = NormalizeDouble(takeprofit,digits);
       if (stoploss != 0) OrderReliable_EnsureValidStop(symbol,price,stoploss);

   int err = GetLastError(); // so we clear the global variable. 
   err = 0;
   _OR_err = 0;
   bool exit_loop = false;
   cnt = 0;
   bool result = false;
   while (!exit_loop)
      if (IsTradeAllowed())
         result = OrderModify(ticket, price, stoploss,
                         takeprofit, expiration, arrow_color);
         err = GetLastError();
         _OR_err = err;

      if (result == true)
         exit_loop = true;

      switch (err)
         case ERR_NO_ERROR:
            exit_loop = true;
         case ERR_NO_RESULT:
            // modification without changing a parameter.
            // if you get this then you may want to change the code.
            exit_loop = true;
         case ERR_SERVER_BUSY:
         case ERR_NO_CONNECTION:
         case ERR_INVALID_PRICE:
         case ERR_OFF_QUOTES:
         case ERR_BROKER_BUSY:
         case ERR_TRADE_TIMEOUT:      // for modify this is a retryable error, I hope.
            cnt++;    // a retryable error
         case ERR_PRICE_CHANGED:
         case ERR_REQUOTE:
            continue;    // we can apparently retry immediately according to MT docs.
            // an apparently serious, unretryable error.
            exit_loop = true;
      }  // end switch

      if (cnt > retry_attempts)
         exit_loop = true;
      if (!exit_loop)
         OrderReliablePrint("retryable error (" + cnt + "/" + retry_attempts +
                        "): "  +  OrderReliableErrTxt(err));
      if (exit_loop)
         if ((err != ERR_NO_ERROR) && (err != ERR_NO_RESULT))
            OrderReliablePrint("non-retryable error: "  + OrderReliableErrTxt(err));

         if (cnt > retry_attempts)
            OrderReliablePrint("retry attempts maxed at " + retry_attempts);
   // we have now exited from loop.
   if ((result == true) || (err == ERR_NO_ERROR))
      OrderReliablePrint("apparently successful modification order, updated trade details follow.");
      OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES);
      return(true); // SUCCESS!
   if (err == ERR_NO_RESULT)
      OrderReliablePrint("Server reported modify order did not actually change parameters.");
      OrderReliablePrint("redundant modification: "  + ticket + " " + symbol +
                     "@" + price + " tp@" + takeprofit + " sl@" + stoploss);
      OrderReliablePrint("Suggest modifying code logic to avoid.");
   OrderReliablePrint("failed to execute modify after " + cnt + " retries");
   OrderReliablePrint("failed modification: "  + ticket + " " + symbol +
                  "@" + price + " tp@" + takeprofit + " sl@" + stoploss);
   OrderReliablePrint("last error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err));
//                  OrderModifyReliableSymbol()
//   This has the same calling sequence as OrderModify() except that the
//   user must provide the symbol.
//   This function will then be able to ensure proper normalization and
//   stop levels.
bool OrderModifyReliableSymbol(string symbol, int ticket, double price,
                        double stoploss, double takeprofit,
                        datetime expiration, color arrow_color = CLR_NONE)
   int digits = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_DIGITS);
   if (digits > 0)
      price = NormalizeDouble(price, digits);
      stoploss = NormalizeDouble(stoploss, digits);
      takeprofit = NormalizeDouble(takeprofit, digits);
   if (stoploss != 0)
      OrderReliable_EnsureValidStop(symbol, price, stoploss);
   return(OrderModifyReliable(ticket, price, stoploss,
                        takeprofit, expiration, arrow_color));
//                      OrderCloseReliable()
//   This is intended to be a drop-in replacement for OrderClose() which,
//   one hopes, is more resistant to various forms of errors prevalent
//   with MetaTrader.
//      TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
//       * Re-trying under some error conditions, sleeping a random
//         time defined by an exponential probability distribution.
//       * Displays various error messages on the log for debugging.
//   Derk Wehler,     2006-07-19
bool OrderCloseReliable(int ticket, double lots, double price,
                  int slippage, color arrow_color = CLR_NONE)
   int nOrderType;
   string strSymbol;
   OrderReliable_Fname = "OrderCloseReliable";
   OrderReliablePrint(" attempted close of #" + ticket + " price:" + price +
                  " lots:" + lots + " slippage:" + slippage);

// collect details of order so that we can use GetMarketInfo later if needed
   if (!OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET))
      _OR_err = GetLastError();      
      OrderReliablePrint("error: " + ErrorDescription(_OR_err));
      nOrderType = OrderType();
      strSymbol = OrderSymbol();

   if (nOrderType != OP_BUY && nOrderType != OP_SELL)
      OrderReliablePrint("error: trying to close ticket #" + ticket + ", which is " + OrderReliable_CommandString(nOrderType) + ", not OP_BUY or OP_SELL");

   //if (!IsConnected())
   //   OrderReliablePrint("error: IsConnected() == false");
   //   _OR_err = ERR_NO_CONNECTION;
   //   return(false);
   if (IsStopped())
      OrderReliablePrint("error: IsStopped() == true");

   int cnt = 0;
   Commented out by Paul Hampton-Smith due to a bug in MT4 that sometimes incorrectly returns IsTradeAllowed() = false
   while(!IsTradeAllowed() && cnt < retry_attempts)
   if (!IsTradeAllowed())
      OrderReliablePrint("error: no operation possible because IsTradeAllowed()==false, even after retries.");

   int err = GetLastError(); // so we clear the global variable. 
   err = 0;
   _OR_err = 0;
   bool exit_loop = false;
   cnt = 0;
   bool result = false;
   while (!exit_loop)
      if (IsTradeAllowed())
         result = OrderClose(ticket, lots, price, slippage, arrow_color);
         err = GetLastError();
         _OR_err = err;

      if (result == true)
         exit_loop = true;

      switch (err)
         case ERR_NO_ERROR:
            exit_loop = true;
         case ERR_SERVER_BUSY:
         case ERR_NO_CONNECTION:
         case ERR_INVALID_PRICE:
         case ERR_OFF_QUOTES:
         case ERR_BROKER_BUSY:
         case ERR_TRADE_TIMEOUT:      // for modify this is a retryable error, I hope.
            cnt++;    // a retryable error
         case ERR_PRICE_CHANGED:
         case ERR_REQUOTE:
            continue;    // we can apparently retry immediately according to MT docs.
            // an apparently serious, unretryable error.
            exit_loop = true;
      }  // end switch

      if (cnt > retry_attempts)
         exit_loop = true;
      if (!exit_loop)
         OrderReliablePrint("retryable error (" + cnt + "/" + retry_attempts +
                        "): "  +  OrderReliableErrTxt(err));
         // Added by Paul Hampton-Smith to ensure that price is updated for each retry
         if (nOrderType == OP_BUY)  price = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(strSymbol,MODE_BID),MarketInfo(strSymbol,MODE_DIGITS));
         if (nOrderType == OP_SELL) price = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(strSymbol,MODE_ASK),MarketInfo(strSymbol,MODE_DIGITS));
      if (exit_loop)
         if ((err != ERR_NO_ERROR) && (err != ERR_NO_RESULT))
            OrderReliablePrint("non-retryable error: "  + OrderReliableErrTxt(err));

         if (cnt > retry_attempts)
            OrderReliablePrint("retry attempts maxed at " + retry_attempts);
   // we have now exited from loop.
   if ((result == true) || (err == ERR_NO_ERROR))
      OrderReliablePrint("apparently successful close order, updated trade details follow.");
      OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES);
      return(true); // SUCCESS!
   OrderReliablePrint("failed to execute close after " + cnt + " retries");
   OrderReliablePrint("failed close: Ticket #" + ticket + ", Price: " +
                  price + ", Slippage: " + slippage);
   OrderReliablePrint("last error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err));

//                        Utility Functions

int OrderReliableLastErr()
   return (_OR_err);

string OrderReliableErrTxt(int err)
   return ("" + err + ":" + ErrorDescription(err));

void OrderReliablePrint(string s)
   // Print to log prepended with stuff;
   if (!(IsTesting() || IsOptimization())) Print(OrderReliable_Fname + " " + OrderReliableVersion + ":" + s);

string OrderReliable_CommandString(int cmd)
   if (cmd == OP_BUY)

   if (cmd == OP_SELL)

   if (cmd == OP_BUYSTOP)

   if (cmd == OP_SELLSTOP)

   if (cmd == OP_BUYLIMIT)

   if (cmd == OP_SELLLIMIT)

   return("(CMD==" + cmd + ")");

//                   OrderReliable_EnsureValidStop()
//    Adjust stop loss so that it is legal.
//   Matt Kennel
void OrderReliable_EnsureValidStop(string symbol, double price, double& sl)
   // Return if no S/L
   if (sl == 0)
   double servers_min_stop = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_STOPLEVEL) * MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_POINT);
   if (MathAbs(price - sl) <= servers_min_stop)
      // we have to adjust the stop.
      if (price > sl)
         sl = price - servers_min_stop;   // we are long
      else if (price < sl)
         sl = price + servers_min_stop;   // we are short
         OrderReliablePrint("EnsureValidStop: error, passed in price == sl, cannot adjust");
      sl = NormalizeDouble(sl, MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_DIGITS));

//                   OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime()
//   This sleeps a random amount of time defined by an exponential
//   probability distribution. The mean time, in Seconds is given
//   in 'mean_time'.
//   This is the back-off strategy used by Ethernet.  This will
//   quantize in tenths of seconds, so don't call this with a too
//   small a number.  This returns immediately if we are backtesting
//   and does not sleep.
//   Matt Kennel
void OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(double mean_time, double max_time)
   if (IsTesting())
      return;    // return immediately if backtesting.

   double tenths = MathCeil(mean_time / 0.1);
   if (tenths <= 0)
   int maxtenths = MathRound(max_time/0.1);
   double p = 1.0 - 1.0 / tenths;
   Sleep(100);    // one tenth of a second PREVIOUS VERSIONS WERE STUPID HERE.
   for(int i=0; i < maxtenths; i++) 
      if (MathRand() > p*32768)
      // MathRand() returns in 0..32767

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